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Sant'Anna Institute | Department of Study Abroad

Sant'Anna Institute

Academic Year

Immersing in an academic year allows students to create a home in Sorrento to the fullest extent. Arriving in August and departing in May, students experience all of the seasons, from the height of summer when the arrive, to the beautiful holiday season in winter, the harvest in autumn, and the rebirth of the gardens and beach-going in the spring. 

It is the perfect opportunity to not only take classes toward your degree, but to also have the opportunity for an abroad internship during one or both semesters. This earns you valuable experience toward for your resume but also immerse in the community in local placements. 

Sant’Anna Institute recommends taking an Italian Language course, at least during the fall semester. All courses, except for Italian Language, are taught in English. Attendance is mandatory.  

Academic Year Price : $22,100  

Total Includes:

  • Academic Year courses (24-36 credits)
  • Accommodation in shared apartment double room for 32 WEEKS (Late August-Mid May)
  • 6 Excursions throughout 2 semesters
  • US Credits (transcript will cost additional $5 USD)
  • Lab Fees
  • Didactic material
  • On-Site program orientation
  • On site advisor and 24-hour emergency assistance

Students may choose from over the following courses (CLICK HERE) for their plan of study.  

You can find more information about the two semesters here:

FALL: Click Here 
SPRING: Click Here



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