Sorrento 11:38 PM


Teaching faculties from all disciplines initiate a FLP by recruiting a group of students and then traveling with them for a study abroad experience

Sant'Anna Institute

Faculty-Led Programs (FLP)

FLP: an immersive and culturally explorable experience for students and their faculty. Sant’Anna provides an authentic way to live, study, and interact with the local culture.


What is a faculty led program (FLP)?

An increasingly popular alternative to traditional study abroad offerings is a format known as the Faculty Led Program (FLP).

  • A FLP is essentially a mini-university abroad, an extension of a student’s home campus and curriculum.
  • The primary advantage of a FLP is that a student is able to combine the study abroad experience with the continuity of core curriculum courses.
  • Teaching faculty from all disciplines initiate a FLP by recruiting a group of students from within their curriculum, and then traveling with them to a study abroad location.
  • The faculty member teaches core curriculum course(s) while the host institution provides support instruction logistics and other general education courses including internships, service learning and volunteering
  • Students are able to complete a semester or a full academic year of study without falling out of sequence with their normal curriculum course structure.

A Faculty Led Program also allows teaching faculty to customize a series of guest lectures, field trips and cultural immersion activities that best suit the educational goals of their particular disciplines.


Program design

Program designs can vary significantly, and could include:

  • short-term or stand-alone programs (during a summer term)
  • semester-long courses with some components such as spring or fall break or trips after the end of term
  • long-term (semester or academic year) study abroad

Credit & non-credit courses can be designed for students studying the same syllabus as well as wider groups coming from different departments.


A successful FLP demonstrates:

  • strong academic quality
  • cultural enrichment for students
  • opportunities for experiential learning
  • opportunities of learning outside the classroom: Conversation Partner Program (or Conversation Exchange or Intercambio); Experiential Education (learning by doing): it may include researches, field trips or seminars, laboratory works, fieldworks or observation; immersion in workplace settings such as internships, volunteering, teaching;  Service-Learning Abroad; Student Club (or Student Organization): local clubs can facilitate interaction with the local student population and encourage further development of language and intercultural communication skills.

All study abroad and international internship programs include a full suite of support services during all three phases of the international experience (pre-departure, on-site, and re-entry), including in-depth advising and orientations, housing, excursions and cultural activities, and more.

Austin Community College Compilation Video Summer 2016

"You won't know until you go" with Texas State Summer 2016

Check out this video at the link created by the Texas State University at Austin faculty-led program about their summer 2016 term in Italian cultural immersion with Sant'Anna!

Johnson & Wales faculty-led program 2015 (Tourism and Culinary)

Thank you Prof. Ronald Blum and Prof. Piyavan Sukalakamala for collecting these wonderful memories!


  • Law - DePaul University, University of Dayton
  • Hospitality & Tourism - Austin Community College, Johnson & Wales University, University of Northern Iowa
  • Italian Studies - Hofstra University, Wake Forest University, San Diego University, University of Connecticut
  • Architecture - Alfred State University
  • Business - Plymouth State University (in partnership with SAI), University of South Carolina
  • Education - Bowling Green State University
  • Culinary Arts - Delaware Technical College
  • Humanities - Virginia Commonwealth University, Texas State University


Sant’Anna will coordinate:

  • Airport pick ups
  • Student and Faculty housing
  • Social and cultural immersion activities
  • Field trips
  • Visits to local Firms and Institutions
  • Conferences and guest lectures
  • Internships
  • Administrative assistance with visas and permits of stay in Italy
  • 24 hr emergency assistance



For more info about our faculty-led programs, please contact

Johnson & Wales Faculty-led program in Sorrento

You can find below some photos from the Culinary & Hospitality faculty-led program from Johnson & Wales University - activities and visits in the Sorrento area during 4 amazing weeks!



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