Sorrento 08:43 PM


Sant'Anna Institute | Department of Study Abroad

Sant'Anna Institute

Faculty Reviews

“Perfect small town size. Very safe – can walk streets at all times and feel comfortable. Can get to know the local people. Excursions are close and fun. Wonderful program, great town, well worth coming and experiencing.”

– Professor Liz Alexander, Austin Community College, in her program review of the ACC Faculty-Led Program Summer 2016


"No matter what the student expectations are of Sorrento, this city will surpass them and surprise them in ways that they never anticipated.

[The Texas State Sorrento Program] program takes advantage of one of the Amalfi Coast's greatest assets - its rich history: the Sant'Anna Institute aims to open the doors of new experiences and opportunities through the cultivation of language, to broaden horizons and pave the way to better cultural understanding.

This Texas State Sorrento Program, while teaching Italian Language or Culture or Volunteering Abroad to Texas State students, also offers the opportunity of a lifetime to immerse oneself academically and socially in the local culture through a one month long Program.

Sorrento is quietly enchanting, with museums hidden around every corner and buildings left unchanged for centuries, and our program brings the best the Amalfi Coast has to offer right to our students. And it all starts with our Summer Abroad Program." 

- Dr. Moira Di Mauro-Jackson. Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, on her time facilitating the Texas State University Summer Program based in Sorrento with Sant'Anna


Interview with Prof. Linda Longmire - Hofstra University - Long Islands, New York   

Director of the Odissey Program 2010 about study abroad in Italy at Sorrento Lingue


Interview with prof. Dianne Tuzzolino - SUNY Alfred State College, NY

Business Faculty-led programs in Sorrento



Interview with Prof. Jeffrey Johnston - SUNY Alfred State College, NY

Architecture Faculty-led programs - Spring Semester 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 @ SASL

Click here to read prof. Jeffrey Johnston experience coordinating FLP at SASL!



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