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Sant'Anna Institute | Department of Study Abroad

Sant'Anna Institute

Interning with Sant'Anna

At Sant'Anna, we encourage students to become involved in their academic and professional endeavors by finding their strengths in their fields of interests. Students can intern with Sant'Anna in
  • Business Administration
  • Civic Engagement
  • Communications
  • Creative Writing (with possible Sorrentum Magazine articles)
  • Marketing/Social Media
  • and others!

Students involve their peers and the community in projects and the school activities through their efforts. 

Click here to watch the final Internship presentation from John Gavin, our Spring 2016 intern!

Language: English, some knowledge of the Italian language recommended, but not required.

Civic Engagement

Interning in civic engagement with Sant'Anna allows students to get involved in a variety of different opportunities and engage with their peers and the commmunity members with whom we partner for events. 

Students plan events in partnership with various organizations and businesses within the town, either pre-developed events such as those Sant'Anna has held for several years (like the second-hand sale) or other student-planned events that based on student interest and creativity. 

Click here to view the final presentation of spring 2016 intern, Katrina Syrakos.

Creative Writing

Click here to view the final presentation from spring 2016 intern, Kendal Lariviere.




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