Sorrento 08:54 PM


Sant'Anna Institute | Department of Study Abroad

Sant'Anna Institute

Social Work

Teaming up with local charity groups and volunteer organizations to work with disadvantaged people in the community, such as disabled youth and the eldery. Preparing projects and activities, such as pizza parties, arts and crafts, mini theatre productions, walks around town, gardening, etc. in order to entertain as well as socialize these groups with other locals and Sant’Anna student peers.


LESS Onlus Association: A social enterprise that works every day against all forms of discrimination and promotes social inclusion services for migrants, victims of sex trafficking, and refugees.

The Association is active in Naples and it aims at taking action against the exclusion and social marginalization from which migrants often suffer. As part of their mission, L.E.S.S. promotes active citizenship and full recognition of migrant identity through different channels. L.E.S.S. recognizes the correlation between migration and the freedom of movement, and the economic, social, and cultural development of an individual. It promotes and carries out educational activities, and over the years, has created numerous partnerships with other private social organizations and migrant communities in the Naples area, creating a strong network to support facilitate integration. 

See their website here:



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