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Sant'Anna Institute | Department of Study Abroad

Sant'Anna Institute

Spring Semester 2020

Spring Semester : THE BEGINNING…

Spring semester 2020 program in Italy

The spring semester allows you to get to know Sorrento before the tourism season begins and then experience the excitement of the beginning of the summer season. 
Walk down to the marina between classes, wander the small streets, and get to know the true Sorrento!

- January 5th – April 25th, 2020

- Spring Break: February 24-March 1, 2020

- 3 credits per course for a total of 15-18 credits

- Students take one Italian course (all levels available) and 4-5 courses taught in English

- 3 excursions included

- Internship opportunities are also available for academic credit (as part of the 18 credits) in a variety of business and art sectors. 

Please visit the Internship page to learn more. 

- Tuition and fees.

All our courses are offered through Jacksonville University (Florida). For more questions on this process and to apply, please contact Sant'Anna Study Abroad Coordinator Serena Vacca at

Spring 2020 Application Deadline: November 1st, 2019        APPLY HERE


Click here for more info:

Spring 2020 course offering

Internship and Service Learning


Introduction to Civic Engagement JU 330

Italian Studies

Elementary Italian Language WL 101

Pre-Intermediate Italian Language WL 102

Intermediate Italian Language WL 201

Upper Intermediate Italian Language WL 202

Advanced Italian Language WL 325

Special Topics: Post-Advanced Italian WL 325

Medieval Italian Literature I - Dante WL 325

Medieval Italian Literature II WL 325

Modern Italian Literature WL 325

Contemporary Italian Literature WL 325

Classical Studies

Elementary Latin WL 101

Pre-Intermediate Latin WL 102

Introductory Ancient Greek WL 101

Greek Influence in Southern Italy: Colonization & Culture HIST 350

Ancient Cultures HUM 311

Humanities and Arts

Introductory Writing ENGL 103

Creative Writing ENG 306WI

World Literature ENGL 203

Special Topics: History of Art from Ancient Greece to Italian Renaissance ARH 376

Special Topics: Archaeology Field Study HUM 399

World Geography GEOG 200

Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 101

History of Italian Cinema FVA 276

Special Topics: Drawing on Location ART 376

Introduction to digital photography ART 205

Business Studies

Competing in the Global Environment INB 303

Sustainability SUST 335

Global Business: Italy & Tourism INB 421

Entrepreneurship and the New Economy ENT 481

Principles of Marketing MKG 301

Social Sciences

Introduction to Sociology SOC 203

World Religions RELG 101

Special Topics: History of Contemporary Italy HIST 350

Special Topics: History of the Mafia HIST 350

Western Civilization Since 1648 HIST 165

Anthropology of Europe JU 330

Special Topics: Mediterranean Culture and History IS 305

International Politics POL 208

Special Topics: Human Rights POL 375

Geo Politics and Energy POL 375

Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies: History, Theory, Practice WGS 201

Sciences and Natural Sciences

Introduction to Geology JU 330

Introduction to Volcanology JU 330

Introduction to Marine Biology MSC 113

Special Topics: Marine Conservation MSC 430

Health Sciences

Human Nutrition BIOL 221*

Nutrition for Physical Activity & Health KIN 427*

Introduction to Health Professions BIOL 199*

Introduction to Scientific Research BIOL 199*

*More Health Sciences courses will be announced soon

Cultural Studies

Mediterranean Nero JU330

New York calls, Naples responds JU330

Mediterranean Migration

All courses whose code starts with number 3, are upper level courses.

Please email Academic Director Marco Marino ( if you need the course syllabi.



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